Wednesday, January 29, 2020

PS Frame Animation

PS Frame Animation

Open Photoshop
NEW - 300x300

Add Letter G - size 300
Duplicate layer 3 times to get 4 layers

Window Time line. - select frame animation
Chose 'TINY' menu - select make frames from layers

go to each layer - manipulate it - colour -  transform

make sure the last frame transitions to the first frame nicely

add watermark

1. G R A D E - each letter separately

G - colour change
R - Rock left then right - colour change
A - full rotate - colour and font change
D - smaller return - larger return - font - colour - warp text
E - Colour, font -rasterize then FILTERS- and LAYER EFFECTS (5 changes to each E)

2. Predicted - spell it out slowly then reverse and fade away!

 P - Pr - Pre - Pred   etc 
- colour blinking
NOTE: to FLIP multiple layers - high light the layers - choose LAYER - Arrange - reverse

-add water mark

3. Your First Name - first name - do something great
4. Your Water mark - do something greater.
5. CREATE YOUR MARK -a letter - two numbers - a percent sign

PLACE everything in a 5x5 table try this    style="width: 90%;"
add colours, border, border colour, 
row 1 SPAN all 5 - Predicted goes here
row 2 G R A D E
row 3 Letter blank cell NUMBER NUMBER %
row 4 SPAN all 5 - first name
row 5 SPAN all 5 - water mark

<div style="background: lightpink;">


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

table demo

table demo

Predicted Grade



Predicted Grade

example table code:

<table border="10" bordercolor="blue">
    <th colspan="3" bgcolor="red"></th>
    <td bgcolor="saddlebrown"></td>

Customize YOUR blog

Customize YOUR blog

Avatars - two of them

  • 1500 x 200
  •  – course – semester – year – first name  - etc...

Blog archive (gadget)
Link list of websites (gadget)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Predicted Grade

this is moccasin

Predicted Grade


Use the following CODE to fix the background issue behind the transparent images.

Go to:
Design - Layout - Template Designer - Advanced - (scroll down to) - Add CSS
then paste in the following:

.post-body img, .post-body .tr-caption-container, .Profile img, .Image img,

.BlogList .item-thumbnail img {

  padding: 0 !important;

  border: none !important;

  background: none !important;

  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;


<div style="background: peru;">


noSketchUp Lesson 6 - LOGO

noSketchUp Lesson 6 - LOGO - no use of sketchup!- In this exercise you need to: 1. (PNG) Draw a Design -or- Create a LOGO -or- m...